Landscape Architecture
and Planning

UNM Taos Klauer Campus Infrastructure Framework Plan

for the University of New Mexico

Location: Taos, NM

Completed: 2022

The plan sought to reinforce the existing campus identity and incorporate sustainable strategies as to remain a strong and resilient asset to the University and Taos community.

Pland developed an overall site infrastructure plan to address challenges related to circulation, parking, signage, lighting, grading & drainage, safety & security, accessibility, and public art. The goal of the plan was to comprehensively address these current challenges while considering future development of the campus. In addition, the plan sought to reinforce the existing campus identity and incorporate sustainable strategies as to remain a strong and resilient asset to the University and Taos community. Campus improvements recommended by this plan include enhanced plazas and gathering spaces, streetscapes and pedestrian pathways, new and updated gateways, reconfigured parking and vehicular circulation, public art opportunities, lighting, and access control.