Landscape Architecture
and Planning

CNM Smith Brasher Hall

with FBT Architects

Location: Albuquerque, NM

Completed: 2017


  • 2021 NMASLA Design Awards Merit: Design Constructed
  • 2021 Green Stormwater Infrastructure Awards, Merit: Constructed Category

A series of Green Stormwater Infrastructure features includes bioinfiltration basins, soil sponges, stormwater tree trenches, a swale, and check dams.

CNM’s Smith Brasher Hall, located at the corner of Coal and University, is a LEED Gold certified project that incorporates many sustainable features into the landscape for the renovated building and parking lots.

Pland Collaborative coordinated with the project architects and engineers to create an innovative water harvesting landscape that provides many benefits for the site and watershed.  A series of Green Stormwater Infrastructure features includes  bioinfiltration basins, soil sponges, stormwater tree trenches, a swale, and check dams. These features capture and clean runoff from the roof and parking lots, decrease runoff leaving the site, improve tree health and resiliency, and reduce the use of potable water for irrigation.

The two large bioinfiltration basins are planted with native trees, grasses and wildflowers, showcasing the beauty of local vegetation and providing habitat for birds and pollinators. Stormwater tree trenches in the parking lots support large trees, which shade the parking lot and reduce the heat released by asphalt. Other sustainable features at the site include geothermal heating and cooling systems and solar panels.